We are seeking help of extra volunteers to help out in our parish and its churches In particular we seek additional help in following areas 1 Minister of the Eucharist,2. Minister of the Word Youths and Adult 3 Choir/Music: Join Adult choir or play music to accompany Choir or help in forming a Folk Choir or children’s choir,4 Help with Collection at Mass 5 Altar Society and Church Decoration 6 Church Cleaning 7 Distribution of Parish Envelopes / Information to Households 8 Youth Ministry Nurturing faith of young people 9 Altar Serving for those from 2nd to 6th Class 10 Give time to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 11 Parish Pastoral Assembly: Help with Building up Parish into a vibrant Parish and help parishioners grow in relationship with God and with one another. As priests it is an honor to serve our 3 churches and the people of our parish and we are very grateful to all who already help in these ministries .However any additional help in any of the above areas would be much appreciated .If you wish to discuss further please contact either Fr Michael or Fr Frank . Saint Paul reminded us last Sunday that all of us have been given gifts by the Holy Spirit for the benefit of church , community and the common good of all. There is a wide scope of ministries in the parish which everybody can choose from. Forms available at the entrance to Churches which you can take home and think about how you could help out and return to any of churches or Mucklagh Parochial House asap