Altar Servers We are at present recruiting altar servers from children in third class and upwards. Thanks to children and parents for their co-operation. For children attending schools outside of our parish enrolment forms are available in the sacristies and from Mucklagh parish office. Forms to be retuned by Friday 20th September
Welcome to our Parish
We are delighted that you have taken time to visit our website and we hope that it will be of help to you. The parish of Rahan has 3 churches: St Carthage’s Church Killina R35 X078, St Colman’s Church Mucklagh R35 V045 and St Patrick’s Church The Island R35 A021.
The doors of our church are open every day and you are welcome. All who are coming here for many years would like you to know we would be delighted if you would join us for Masses or for prayers. It is God’s House and He is present to meet you when you come in. The Parish website has been set up as a means of reaching out to all, not only our parishioners but also our friends and relatives abroad. The website includes Mass Times, Weekly Newsletter and Contact Details.
We hope that the website will be a means for people to become involved in the life of the parish, both our community and parish groups, and a means of accessing information ALSO regarding participation in the various sacraments of the Church.
Mass Times
St. Carthage's Church, Killina, Rahan
Sunday | 10:30am |
Tuesday | 7:30pm |
Thursday | 7:30pm |
First Friday | 9:30am |
St. Patrick's Church, The Island, Rahan
Saturday |
6:00pm (Vigil) Adoration: After Mass on Saturdays |
First Friday | 6:30pm |
St. Colman's Mucklagh
Saturday (Vigil) | 7:30pm |
Sunday |
9:00am 12:00 noon |
Wednesday | 7:30pm |
Thursday |
9:00am Adoration: 2:00pm - 6:00pm |
Friday |
7:30pm First Friday 7:30pm Mass |
Altar Servers Recruitment
First Holy Communion Preparation:
First Holy Communion Preparation: Meeting on Thursday 19th September in Mucklagh Church at 8pm.for all parents of children preparing for First Communion this year from St. Colman’s N.S.,Mucklagh and Scoil Charthaigh Naofa
Mucklagh Playground Committee- Scrap Metal Collection
Mucklagh Playground Committee are hosting a Scrap Metal Collection in association with KMK Metals on Saturday 21st September from 10am –4pm at Shamrock GAA grounds Mucklagh . All support much appreciated
Mucklagh School Boys / Girls Community Soccer Club
Mucklagh School Boys / Girls Community Soccer Club are hosting a 12 hour Soccer Marathon Fundraiser on this Sunday15th September from 7am to 7pm in Mucklagh Community Center . Light refreshments on the day. All are welcome
Visit of the Relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis to Navan Parish
The primary Relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis will be brought from Assisi to St. Mary’s Church next Sunday 15th September. We pray for the intention that our young parishioners will grow to love Christ in the Eucharist.
Programme for the visit of the Relic of Bl. Carlo:
Sunday 15th September
10:55am solemn…
See All Notices