
Published on February 27, 2025

Lent: During these 40 days We must Pray. Properly speaking, prayer means we communicate with God on an interior level. We do more than attend Mass or speak prayers aloud.  Prayer is first and foremost a secret and interior communication with God We speak, but more than that, we listen, hear, understand and respond. Without all four of these qualities, prayer is not prayer. It’s not communication ”It’s only us talking to ourselves During these 40 days We must Fast Especially in our day and age, our five senses are overwhelmed with activity and noise.  Our eyes and ears are often dazzled by TV, radio, computers, etc.  Our taste buds are constantly satiated with fine foods, sweets and comfort foods, often to excess. Our five senses need a break from the bombardment of the delights of the world so as to turn to the deeper delights of a life of union with God. During these 40 days We must Give. Greed often takes hold of us without us even realizing the extent of its grip.  We want this and that. We consume more and more material things. And we do so because we seek satisfaction from the world. We need to detach from all that distracts us from God, and generosity is one of the best ways to achieve this detachment. Reflect, today, upon these three simple words: pray, fast and give. Seek to live these qualities in a hidden way known only to God this Lent. If you do so, the Lord will begin to do greater wonders in your life than you may currently realize are possible. He will free you from the  selfishness that often binds us and will enable you to love Him and others better