A prayer for electricians / linesmen We come to you with grateful hearts for those who are dedicated to serving their fellow man. To those who show their love for you by risking their lives to do whatever they can. A lineman is taken for granted until a convenience we must do without. They work until the job is done, of this there’s never a doubt. Please, Dear Lord, watch over them and protect them with Your Almighty Hand. Return them to their homes with blessing for their families and help them to understand that a lineman’s time is not his own and a schedule not one he chose for the day, but a service that you have instilled in him as you guide him in your kind & loving way. Amen Compliments to repair teams working for ESB, those doing debris removal, fire brigade and those checking in on and helping neighbours.

A prayer for electricians /linesmen
Published on February 5, 2025